You can find these contact details from many places, including here:
My email addresses:
- Contact(at) – for all general purposes of Spot Our
- WebMaster(at) – for concerns about this website. If you get email from this site, it’s usually from this email address
- In case, you don’t receive emails at all from, you can contact me SpotOur(at) as an alternative email
My phone number is +358 (0)45 144 6332.
In case you need help to understand this site, I advise you to take a look of this documentation because I’ve tried to explain each part of this site as clearly as possible. You will likely find information you need more quickly from this documentation.
Other places where you can this information is the bottom part of this site on desktop and from Contact-page!
So, now you’ve finished the first section of this documentation. It’s time to learn more about this site in general. Check out section “Understanding the Site“!